Parramatta State School's Gifted Education Model (GEM) seeks to support gifted students through 3 main processes – identification, implementation of extension and enrichment activities, and community partnerships. There are a variety of tools and resources that are used in our school. Support for gifted students includes both extension activities within classrooms, and enrichment opportunities which are co-ordinated by various staff across the school.
Enrichment programs
Some of the enrichment programs at Parramatta State School include
Academies of Excellence (Yr 4-6)
- STEM Mattas
- Football
- Netball
- Rock Band
- Choir
BrainMattas Lunchtime club (Yr 3 & 4 students)
Each term the lunch time activity schedule includes specific activities for high achieving students in different fields, include mathematical thinking and reasoning skills, visual arts and digital technology.
Solid Pathways (Yr 4-6)
Solid Pathways – STEM is an innovative program specifically designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Years 4 – 6. The objective is to support, nurture and encourage high achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student to continue their academic success.
Gifted Global Green (Yr 5)
Gifted Global Green has been developed to provide opportunities to extend and enrich identified Year 5 students. During the year, the student team works closely with the school's key teacher, staff from Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre (HBEEC) and a range of industry experts.
Throughout the year, high achieving students are encouraged to participate in various competitions. These include, but are not limited to
- Cairns Show entries (Prep – 6)
- Cairns Eisteddfod (Prep – 6)
- Readers Cup Challenge (Prep – 6)
- Literacy Competition, co-ordinated by the Independent Education Union of Australia (Yr 3-6)
- ICASS – International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (English, Maths, Science, Spelling, Writing, Digital Technology) (Yr 2-6)
- Australian Maths Competition (Yr 3-6)
- Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition (Yr 5-6)