Student code of conduct
Student code of conduct 2024 (PDF, 2.68 MB)
All areas of Parramatta State School are teaching and learning environments. Behaviour management is considered to be an opportunity for valuable social learning as well as a means of maximising the success of students' academic achievement.
Our school-wide framework for managing behaviour is Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). PBL is a proactive, systems-level approach that enables schools to effectively and efficiently support student and staff behaviour. This approach uses a data and evidence based, school-wide tiered system of support which includes proactive and positive strategies for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate behaviours for all students to create safe, supportive and disciplined school environments. Through thorough review of data and supported implementation of effective systems and practices we strive for high levels of improvement in student outcomes.
The Universal or Tier 1 Support level is for all staff and students at Parramatta State School. Some identified students may require further support to be successful in the schooling environment. Identified students are supported through Tier 2 Targeted and Tier 3 Intensive Support, targeted specifically to individual students in order to meet their needs and assist them to be successful in a mainstream schooling environment. (See Tiered System of Support for further detail)
Our school community has identified the following school expectations for all school community members to follow and to teach and promote our high standards of responsible behaviour:
Our school expectations have been agreed upon and endorsed by all stakeholders, they are aligned with the values, principles and expected standards outlined in Education Queensland's Student Discipline Procedure.
The following statements underpin the beliefs of the Parramatta State School community:
All members of our school community, have the right to be safe and be treated with respect.
This means that we: are clear about the positive behaviours that we want to see our students using, develop consequences for behaviours that do not meet the expectations, develop and utilise ways to acknowledge positive behaviour, have identified a set of core expectations for all community members to abide by - Respect, Safety and Learning.
All stakeholders need to work together as a team to influence the behaviour and learning of our students.
This means that we: model our expectations for positive behaviour to students by behaving in a fair, calm and caring way, work in partnership with parents / carers and other stakeholders, acknowledge and encourage positive behaviours before using negative consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
Education is not just about teaching academic subjects. It is about preparing our students for success now and in the future as positive and healthy citizens.
This means that we: focus on wellbeing - cultivating the love of learning and the skills of mind that foster learning, accomplishment and positive social interactions so that students can learn, grow and thrive, explicitly teach social skills using Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS), and the PAUSE Program ensuring that students have the opportunity to learn and practice essential skills to ensure that they can successfully communicate and interact with others, have high expectations of students to develop responsibility for their own behaviour and be given opportunities to develop a sense of self-worth.
Cultural diversity is a positive attribute of our school community.
This means that we: acknowledge traditional land owners, elders and leader's past, present and emerging, seek cultural guidance from school community members, celebrate the cultural diversity of our school.